研究 Research

文章 Publications

  1. Li M, Wang Z, Yan Z, Liu J. Exploiting Patent Documents for Cross-Domain Knowledge Transfer in Innovative Engineering Design: A Doc2Vec-GAT-Based Approach[C]//2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE).
  2. Wang Z, Zheng P, Li X, Chen C-H. Implications of data-driven product design: From information age towards intelligence age[J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2022, 54: 101793.
  3. A hypergraph-based approach for context-aware smart product-service system configuration.[期刊]:Computers and Industrial Engineering,2022,163
  4. A context-aware concept evaluation approach based on user experiences for smart product-service systems design iteration.[期刊]:Advanced Engineering Informatics,2021,50
  5. A novel data-driven graph-based requirement elicitation framework in the smart product-service system context.[期刊]:Advanced Engineering Informatics
  6. A graph-based context-aware requirement elicitation approach in smart product-service systems.[期刊]:International Journal of Production Research
  7. A survey of smart product-service systems: Key aspects, challenges and future perspectives.[期刊]:Advanced Engineering Informatics
  8. A knowledge graph-Aided concept–Knowledge approach for evolutionary smart product–Service system development.[期刊]:Journal of Mechanical Design.Smart Product-Service Systems Solution Design via Hybrid Crowd Sensing Approach.[期刊]:IEEE Access
  9. Exploiting knowledge graphs in industrial products and services: A survey of key aspects, challenges, and future perspectives.[期刊]:Computers in Industry
  10. A data-driven reversible framework for achieving Sustainable Smart product-service systems
  11. A holistic relook at engineering design methodologies for smart product-service systems development.[期刊]:Journal of Cleaner Production

项目 Funds/Projects

  1. 基于认知智能的工程产品设计方法研究,主持,在研,2023-2025
  2. 支持**型**设计的专利推荐方法研究,主持,48W,在研,2023
  3. 基于图网络的多模态设计知识融合与感知推荐方法研究,主持,30W,在研,2023-2025
  4. Stakeholder-Oriented Innovative User-Centric Design and Solution Generation,参与,已结题,2017-2021